Saturday, March 1, 2008

“To the angel of the church of Laodicea”

March 1, 2008

Revelation 3:14-22

“Make up your mind!” Throughout my life I’ve been accused of wanting to know all of my options before making a choice, even to the point of being indecisive. I say it’s because I want to make sure I have all the facts so I can make the right decision. On the other hand, I once had a supervisor who said it’s better to do something than nothing because at least you are taking action. God wants the folks of Laodicea to make a decision about their faith commitment. Be hot or cold! They were a very rich community but God says they were poor in Spirit. “Make up your mind!”
Where do we stand with God? Do we do the things that look good, to cover up the many things we should or shouldn’t be doing? God wants these folks to get off the fence and make a decision and God challenges us today to do the same thing. We can’t live half-in and half-out of the Kingdom! We must make up our mind. Christ is knocking. Do we answer and enter? I did and I thank God everyday!!! What about you? Make up your mind.

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