Friday, March 21, 2008

“It is finished”

March 21, 2008

John 19:30

It’s amazing to think that we’ve come to the end of this Lenten devotional. When we were putting together the grant application, the idea sounded great. Returning to the church on November 4th, I realized I had two months to get it all together. Before I knew it, we were at the end of January, and the idea of weekly devotional was born of necessity. Rationalizing, I considered it my Lenten commitment, giving to others instead of giving up a personal vice.
Well, we’re now at the end of the devotional and I can testify that God has worked in my life in exciting ways over these forty days. Reliving the physical journey, seeing how it has enriched my spiritual walk, and causing me to look forward to new directions in my life.
When Jesus said, “It is finished”, he only meant his earthly ministry as a fully human individual. For Jesus, he might not be around but there were others to carry on the Good News. Sometimes they did it well and other times they seemed to stumble along in the dark and unknown.
That’s what I feel like as I finish this week’s entries. As I say, “this devotional is finished”, I know God has more for me to do. I am honored that I am called to lead a congregation and to serve as a pastor with the challenge to equip and empower others to go out to share the love and grace of God in the world. As you finish reading this devotional, what is God calling you to do now? How is God challenging you to equip and empower others to share the love and grace of God with the World? It’s what God wills for us. Shall we do it together?

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