Saturday, February 9, 2008

“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia”

February 9, 2008

Revelation 3:7-13

The first time that we approached one of the seven cities to which God spoke through God’s Revelation to John, I was amazed. Amid all of the activity of a 21st century town was a little area, it looked more like a little park or someone’s back yard, that was fenced off. Here were the remnants of the city of which God proclaimed “you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and not denied my name.”
Though I was on my renewal leave, I offered to read the words that God had given to this town through John. As we stood and listened to the words, the world continued on. It was amazing to be standing on that holy ground. For a while, the world did indeed seem to stop as we focused on Philadelphia, and more importantly God’s Word.
The same is true where we live, if we allow God to do so. Amongst all of the hustle and bustle of our lives—of soccer games to watch, practices to drive to, work to finish, meetings to attend, television shows to watch, if we will stand, or sit, quietly and listen to God’s word, we can find the peace, the quiet, the focus, and the sacred. It has nothing to do with location but rather reception.
On this day, I invite us to take a few moments to listen to the Word of God. To stand or sit on holy ground—that place where God meets us, and to hear God’s words of encouragement and support. Did you know that God loves you? God does!!! How awesome is that!

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