Friday, February 15, 2008

Tight spaces

February 15, 2008

The end of a 25 foot tunnel in the underground city of Ozkonak…

What a tight fit it was! As I moved through the tunnel, bent over, looking down, praying my head didn’t go bump in the night! More than once my shoulders hit the side of the tunnel. I won’t be afraid of an MRI again! This little jaunt reminded me of the words of Christ where he says, “It is easier for a to go through the eye of a needle that for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:24)
The point of the scripture is not that money is bad but rather that if we put all of our trust in the things of this world, we will not be saved.

The question for today is simple…
What riches of this world do we so strongly believe in that they separate us from our relationship with Christ? Our home? Our money? Our retirement plan? Our car? (Hint: If we are unwilling to offer it to God in case God needs it, that’s it!)

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