February 22, 2008
First John 2
In the midst of one of the shop areas at an attraction we saw this sign, “Genuine Fake Watches”!! They weren’t trying to fool anyone or be dishonest, they were telling it like it is...if you buy from us you’ll look great but it’ll be a fake!
It got me to thinking about how honest we are in our lives with others, and most importantly, with God. Sure, God knows and sees everything, but that doesn’t seem to stop us from trying to “fake” God out or hoping that God isn’t paying attention at certain times in our lives. As I further thought about the sign I realized how freeing it is. People know what they are getting at that shop!!
What would happen if we were as honest in our lives? What would happen if we were able to label the different areas of our life. “I’m not good at math”, “I don’t like boring sermons”, “I sneak pizza when no one is looking”, “I don’t really pray everyday”, “I don’t know the names of the books of the Bible”. Sure, society has taught us that to admit things can cause us to look weak, but I would offer that in reality, it will give us freedom because we can be who we are and that will be a great foundation from which to work, to strengthen our lives. What signs can we make to let people know who we really are and thereby enjoy the freedom God gives us in that truth?
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