Wednesday, February 27, 2008

“Dinner and Dancing”

February 27, 2008

Luke 22:7-19

The second night that we were in Turkey, as we stayed in Cappadocia, we had the chance to participate in a Turkish meal. We were told that we would eat authentic Turkish food and after the meal we would watch as individuals performed dances specific to the many regions of Turkey. As we moved through the night the dances told stories of weddings and woe, of joy and sadness. Some of the dancers truly enjoyed living out their heritage.
When Jesus gathered with the disciples in the upper room, they did so to remember the Passover Feast, the time when the plague of the first born —the final plague on Egypt, did not take the first born in the homes of God’s people who had placed blood of sacrificed lambs on their door frames. On that night with the disciples, Jesus took bread and fruit of the vine and created a meal of remembrance—the one we know as Communion, and told them to do it in remembrance of him.
We have many opportunities to do things in remembrance of our Christian heritage. At the Belfast UMC, we can take Communion every Sunday. We also teach our young and young-at-heart the stories of the Bible that they might remember and give thanks. What other ways do we remember and celebrate our heritage, our history? Do we dance and rejoice like Deborah when God grants victory? Do we use water to remember our baptism or ashes to remember from where we have come? More importantly, do we enjoy doing such things? It’s who we are.
Anyone care to dance?

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