Monday, February 18, 2008

“Mold me, Make Me”

February 18, 2008

Jeremiah 18:1-10

One of the places we went during our Turkey tour was the Galip Pottery Shop. Mr. Galip is considered a treasure in Turkey and is known in Europe for his beautiful work. The visit included watching one of his potters take a glob of clay and turn it into a beautiful pot, including the top, all within 10-15 minutes. It was amazing to see how he took what looked like nothing and made it into something of great beauty.
As we continue our journey through Lent, let us remember how God took us, with all of our imperfections, with all of our feelings of low self-worth, and created us into something of beauty. We are children of God! Not perfect, but forgiven and reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.
The man who created the pot while we were there obviously had done it many times before and yet he still took great joy in showing us what he could do. I also imagine that more than once something didn’t work out and he simply took the clay and re-formed it into a breathtaking creation.
God takes great joy in creating each of us. God also understands that sometimes we mess up what God has created and is therefore more than ready, if we will but ask, to remold us, to remake us, into a breathtaking creation. The pot the man made was usable, and so should we be, to help pour out God’s grace upon the world!

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