Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gotta Serve Somebody-Bob Dylan

As I read Matthew 6:24-34 I am reminded of this song by Bob Dylan. The text says that we must serve "God or wealth" while Dylan says "God or the devil" but the point is the same, we need to either serve God or some idol that most often ties directly back to evil. If we serve God we share in the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22. If we serve wealth, we live in the moment, we buy what we can, we collect all the toys we want, but we must also slave long and hard for the money to keep up that life style. The only "wealthy" folks that I know who are joy-filled are those who use God's gift of finances to do God's work.

While the video ends with a reading from Joshua, I believe it also speaks to Matthew's reading for this coming Sunday.

Who are we going to serve? That which is temporary - wealth while we are alive, or that which is eternal - God who formed us, knows us, loves us, and calls us to a life of hope and promise?

Something to think about because you "Gotta serve somebody"!!!

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