Saturday, February 16, 2008

To the angel of the church in Sardis

February 16, 2008

“Revelation 3:1-6”

It is always interesting to walk among stones and buildings from so long ago. That which was once alive is now long dead. Lisa and I stood before the remains of the large gymnasium, as well as the many shops along one of the streets. We saw far into the distance of where the city walls once climbed the hills. The city was dead, long buried.
In the letter to Sardis, though the people are alive and the shops are bustling, God says that they are dead. Imagine, breathing and moving about like every other person and yet being called dead! How weird is that?
But God is not talking about that which is seen. It’s not about the beating of the heart, but rather of the Spirit. As we consider our lives, are we living or dead? Is our relationship with God vibrant or on life support? God invites us to open the ears of our heart and listen to what the Spirit is saying before we miss the message. Do we want to live? I do. Shall we live together in Christ?

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