Saturday, August 4, 2007

Harry Potter and my imagination...

I had been moving through the 759 pages of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" this past week and today I decided to commit myself to getting through a major portion of it. I've read the previous six and have enjoyed them for a variety of different reasons. I've watched the books move from playful and adventurous to downright frightening and very dark indeed. I am not a fanatic by any stretch but I made sure that those who had read the book didn't tell me anything as I wanted to experience it for myself. A true confession is that I don't read books like I should (see it's not only blogging that I have trouble with!) but when I get into it, I love being able to imagine what is happening.
It's so easy to sit down in front of the television and allow someone to show me what should be happening in a certain scene but I believe in doing so we don't use a wonderful gift that God has given to us, creativity and imagination. As for the Harry Potter series, I've seen the movies and now have faces and images for a variety of the people and places but that doesn't stop my imagination from getting into gear as I move from page to page and scene to scene. What does Godric Hollow really look like? What was the view as Harry and Hermoine moved around a local church on Christmas eve? What did Hogwarts look like as all gathered waiting for the final showdown? Do you see what I mean? I know that when the movie comes out they will tell me all about these things but until then, I can only imagine and I really like that freedom.

I wonder if we've lost that freedom when it comes to being the local church and more specifically followers of Jesus Christ. Think about it...who taught us what Jesus looked like, what the church should and shouldn't do, and how we are to act as reconciled children of God? Did they say that we had to act a certain way or else? Did they tell us that Jesus was white skinned with pretty brown hair and a nice beard? When was the first time we saw a picture of Jesus laughing?

Why is it that we've decided to limit worship to just one hour or maybe 90 minutes if we've got a special event going on - but no more than once a month or so...I believe we need to remember the gift of imagination and creativity as the church and as followers of Jesus Christ. I believe that if we've not seen something done before as a style of worship, we should try it as long as it glorifies God and invites others, and us, to grow in our relationship with Jesus. Many of our "mainline" churches today have a thought process of how church should be and we tend to stay with it. We don't step out of the box except on occasion because it's new and unchartered territory to explore.
Wait a minute! That's it! When the disciples walked with Jesus, they didn't have it all laid out for them and still they followed. When Jesus died, was raised, and went to sit at the right hand of God, they moved forward, not always with comfort and certainly uncertain of many things, but still they went along. They made church as it was revealed to them. They adjusted, they were creative (somewhat anyway...) and they were church!
Reading Harry Potter reminded me of how important our imagination is to me and as you can see, it set me off on thinking about how importaint that imagination is when we are the church in worshipful ministry to all the world in the name of Christ and presence of the Holy Spirit. What do you think???

Coming thoughts on Harry Potter and the last book...


scituatedrev said...

I think you are right on! I too finished HP this past week. Lotsa of fun and lots of theological nuggets if one chooses to go mining.

In terms of using our imagination, one of the things I think that has happened is we have domesticated Jesus so much that our creativity and imagination is stunted. I challenged my folks this morning to go into the world and get in trouble. Think about it: how many times were the disciples and Jesus in trouble by living into God's vision (kingdom of God) in their lives? They didn't even have to try! When is the last time any of got in "trouble" for the sake of the kingdom?

But think of the opportunities that are out there! It boggles the imagination...

Pastor David said...

Not being a big novel reader, I guess I well wait for the movie.
However, the risks we take for "Christ's Sake" are very small compared to what He took for us. We have placed Him in such a small box (so small He can't stretch-out His arms) and comfortable one. It is no wonder why mainline churches are in the state they are. I am leading the congregation I am serving through the first 8 chapters of the book of Acts, this week we talked about the Holy Spirit coming down on the 120 in the upper room. And next week we will start talking about the actions of the followers. With the theme for the next several weeks will be “Comfortably UN-Comfortable”